WhatsApp WARNING: New virus can reveal your internet history, messages and location


WHATSAPP WARNING: Scary new virus disguises itself as top messenger

A NEW form of malware is disguising itself as popular messenger WhatsApp and stealing large swathes of detailed information from its victims.

The latest virus plaguing mobile users is masquerading as WhatsApp and stealing vast amounts of information from those who download it, including
text messages, contacts, browser history and even your location.

Named GhostCtrl, the internet's newest threat comes in several forms including popular apps.

So far, WhatsApp and Pokemon Go have been prime targets for the malware, which would allow the virus to attack over a billion devices.

GhostCtrl works by installing a malicious software package to the device after the phoney app is downloaded.

The malware then creates a back door on the device which allows it to extract data such as GPS location, texts, calls, and contacts, but it is capable of much worse.

GhostCtrl is able to gather core device information, such as current battery level, software version and Wi-Fi information, if this already seems like a massive invasion of privacy, it gets worse still.

The malware has the ability to secretly film and record your activities using not only the built in camera on your smartphone, but also the microphone.

This means that hackers can now record more than one aspect of some of your most private moments, as well as steal detailed personal information.

“The data GhostCtrl steals is extensive,” researchers for security company TrendMicro, who unearthed the GhostCtrl malware, wrote in an official blog post about the malware.

TrendMicro advises that Android smartphone owners should always take care to only install and run legitimate applications downloaded from official channels, like the Google Play Store.

The security firm has also advised users to keep their device updated, and that companies restrict work devices to prevent users installing malware.

Ghost Ctrl isn’t the only malware terrorising users today, as another ransomware virus has begun to invade users mobile devices.

SECURITY THREAT: GhostCtrl could watch you through your phone in just a few steps


Another new ransomware virus, dubbed LeakerLocker, is terrorising web users with the threat of revealing people's most private data.

LeakerLocker operates differently to previous malware, as it threatens to post your most sensitive information to every person on your email and mobile contacts list.

In a recent blog post, security company Mcafee has reported that the malware is able to get access to your email address, random contacts, Chrome history, some text messages and calls, a picture from the camera, and read some device information.

In order to prevent this, the malware demands a ‘modest' ransom, for example, $50 (38) which victims must pay within 72 hours.

Mcafee has discovered two popular apps which currently carry this malware, and they are completely unassuming.

Wallpapers Blur HD, which has been downloaded between 5,000 and 10,000 times, and Booster & Cleaner Pro, which has been downloaded between 1,000 and 5,000 times.

The two apps have received deceptively passable reviews on online stores, suggesting that malware developers are inflating their scores so they seem more legitimate. 

It is advised that people avoid apps like this and only download software they are positive is legitimate. 

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